"hostname": "aff-home.smartico.ai”, // the domain host from which the affiliate will register
"first_name": "First-name",
"last_name": "Last-name",
"bo_user_email": "somemail@somewhere",
"phone_number": "44097657269",
"username": "username123",
"password": "Q!w2e3r4",
"skype": "skype",
"company": "Astelit",
"web_site_url": "https://googe.com",
"country": "BG",
"comments": "some info",
"language": "FR",
"tc": true,
"token": "03AGdBq261a4cR1-w32PCilF0nq04_cjKIl8T6OeWlAnC4fWfYu94Mw6VIEdazhgDwcf_UkN1pBmTSixVNKKVXXyi-4f3f77VKQkgGKdCUs-dREm_YmwtMfYkgHj00YsQz0T3S3fHRP-XYgJkk0M7bUcaB3Lf6DA7gmZtQynXssdX3a5ElmyEJf5NTTX5IfmS3oiIL0OWWCxFiDfyPdTOoZJAjL9fMcFoqCD2_cJDiqZMNjLCIaUDQX1LgAaEr96FJ3dJ1vUwB3RnU3O-mefSffMvQtkQa-19CK78mpmQ6gDDCXD9zmdumH_aowNGyqN2BTgkrM0vwk4tmKRn6vDY5ue58jZItI7660oI3YfA96N43U_scBSBOC12qmpzNMf_T7esq3kJJTgH_rw8uQSzZk3bncCE2bPjeFg"
Notes regarding parameters:
Password should be at least 6 characters, have one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, and one number
The following fields are mandatory: 'first_name', 'last_name', 'username', 'password', 'bo_user_email', 'country', 'tc', 'hostname', 'token'
Hostname should match exactly to the hostname that is configured in Smartico BackOffice for the operator. Only one hostname is allowed.
username should be 6 characters minimum
The system is not allowing duplicate usernames and mails
Language parameter should be ISO 2 symbols code of language
You can also pass optional parameters
// new affiliate will be assigned as a child of specified parent_affilaite_id
parent_affiliate_id: number;
// affiliate will be assigned to a specific manager
// and automatically approved (otherwise he is in a pending state)
manager_id: number;
// FaceBook page for contact
contact_fb: string;
// VK page for contact
contact_vk: string;
// Telegram page for contact
contact_telegram: string;
// Additional permissions for the affiliate.
// Check "More API Methods" page for possible Role IDs
extra_role_ids: number[];
// ID of the Affiliate in the external system
ext_affiliate_id: string;
// Payment method and respective payment method details of the affilaites
// Check "More API Methods" page for possible payment methods
payment_method_id: number;
payment_method_details: {
[key: string]: any
The API can return the following error codes
enum AffApiErrors {
OK = 0,
BOT = -1,
USERNAME_RULE_NOT_VALUD = -3, // Username should be at least 6 symbols
CANNOT_FIND_AFFILIATE_OPERATOR_BY_HOST = -5, // the ‘hostname’ as parameter is identifying an ‘operator’. System can support multiple operators. See explanation below
PASSWORD_STRENGTH = -9, // Password should be at least 6 symbols, have one lowercase later, one uppercase later and one number
Setting up Google ReCaptcha on the front end.
Add the following script on your front-end
<script src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?render=6LeR49UfAAAAAO7J7vKDCD4vM-Lq5ZA_NsquS9J_"></script>
// Obtain the token in the following way
var _reCAPTCHA_site_key_ = '6LeR49UfAAAAAO7J7vKDCD4vM-Lq5ZA_NsquS9J_';
grecaptcha.execute(_reCAPTCHA_site_key_, {action: 'affregistration'}).then(function(token) {
// pass token to the API call to Affiliate registration API
It's also possible to make API calls from the server side (backend) without using re-captcha protection. Please contact your Account Manager in this case to disable re-captcha verification for your setup