▪️Registration API

This document describes how to build a custom registration page for the affiliates using Smartico API.

Affiliate registration API

An Operator can implement their own affiliate registration page that is using Smartico API.

The API is using simple HTTP-POST to the URL https://boapi.smartico.ai/api/register-aff

POST body is JSON in format

	"hostname": "aff-home.smartico.ai”, // the domain host from which the affiliate will register
	"first_name": "First-name",
	"last_name": "Last-name",
	"bo_user_email": "somemail@somewhere",
	"phone_number": "44097657269",
	"username": "username123",
	"password": "Q!w2e3r4",
	"skype": "skype",
	"company": "Astelit",
	"web_site_url": "https://googe.com",
	"country": "BG",
	"comments": "some info",
	"language": "FR",
	"tc": true,
	"token": "03AGdBq261a4cR1-w32PCilF0nq04_cjKIl8T6OeWlAnC4fWfYu94Mw6VIEdazhgDwcf_UkN1pBmTSixVNKKVXXyi-4f3f77VKQkgGKdCUs-dREm_YmwtMfYkgHj00YsQz0T3S3fHRP-XYgJkk0M7bUcaB3Lf6DA7gmZtQynXssdX3a5ElmyEJf5NTTX5IfmS3oiIL0OWWCxFiDfyPdTOoZJAjL9fMcFoqCD2_cJDiqZMNjLCIaUDQX1LgAaEr96FJ3dJ1vUwB3RnU3O-mefSffMvQtkQa-19CK78mpmQ6gDDCXD9zmdumH_aowNGyqN2BTgkrM0vwk4tmKRn6vDY5ue58jZItI7660oI3YfA96N43U_scBSBOC12qmpzNMf_T7esq3kJJTgH_rw8uQSzZk3bncCE2bPjeFg"

Notes regarding parameters:

  • Password should be at least 6 characters, have one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, and one number

  • The following fields are mandatory: 'first_name', 'last_name', 'username', 'password', 'bo_user_email', 'country', 'tc', 'hostname', 'token'

  • Hostname should match exactly to the hostname that is configured in Smartico BackOffice for the operator. Only one hostname is allowed.

  • username should be 6 characters minimum

  • The system is not allowing duplicate usernames and mails

  • Language parameter should be ISO 2 symbols code of language

You can also pass optional parameters

// new affiliate will be assigned as a child of specified parent_affilaite_id
parent_affiliate_id: number; 

// affiliate will be assigned to a specific manager 
// and automatically approved (otherwise he is in a pending state)
manager_id: number; 

// FaceBook page for contact   
contact_fb: string;

// VK page for contact
contact_vk: string;

// Telegram page for contact
contact_telegram: string;

// Additional permissions for the affiliate. 
// Check "More API Methods" page for possible Role IDs
extra_role_ids: number[];

// ID of the Affiliate in the external system
ext_affiliate_id: string;

The API can return the following error codes

enum AffApiErrors {
   OK = 0,
   BOT = -1,
   USERNAME_RULE_NOT_VALUD = -3, // Username should be at least 6 symbols
   CANNOT_FIND_AFFILIATE_OPERATOR_BY_HOST = -5, // the ‘hostname’ as parameter is identifying an ‘operator’. System can support multiple operators. See explanation below
   PASSWORD_STRENGTH = -9, // Password should be at least 6 symbols, have one lowercase later, one uppercase later and one number

Setting up Google ReCaptcha on the front end.

Add the following script on your front-end

<script src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?render=6LeR49UfAAAAAO7J7vKDCD4vM-Lq5ZA_NsquS9J_"></script>

// Obtain the token in the following way
var _reCAPTCHA_site_key_ = '6LeR49UfAAAAAO7J7vKDCD4vM-Lq5ZA_NsquS9J_';
grecaptcha.execute(_reCAPTCHA_site_key_, {action: 'affregistration'}).then(function(token) {
   // pass token to the API call to Affiliate registration API

It's also possible to make API calls from the server side (backend) without using re-captcha protection. Please contact your Account Manager in this case to disable re-captcha verification for your setup

Last updated