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Payments to affiliates can be managed in TAP in two modes:
Direct payment - Payments are processed by users with Admin (full) permission
3-steps payment (Request-Approve-Pay) - Payment processing involves three stages of approval.
To set/change the mode:
Make sure that there are no payments in Pending Approval or Pending Payment stage
Go to Affiliate Desk (bar) -> Settings (side menu)
Select the desired mode
Click "Save"
Go to "Balance"
Filter the balance report:
Use "Till (end of day)" filter in order to see the due balance until a specific date
Use "Only above treshold" filter in case you want to filter only affiliates whose open balance is above set threshold
Use "Balance, from" and "Balance, to" in case you want to filter only affiliates with an open balance between the chosen monetary values (example: Show affiliates that have due balance between 500 and 1000 EUR)
Use "Columns" menu in case you want to show/hide columns in the list
To export the balance report, click on "Export" button
In Direct Pyament flow an user from your operation with Admin (full) access has permission to make Payment Requests for affiliates. Payments are immediately marked as completed and the change is reflecting in the affiliate's balance.
Exercise caution when making payment requests in Direct Payment flow, as there are no further approval steps before completing the payment.
In Direct Payment Flow, payments in bulk can't be made.
In the Balance Report:
Click on "Make Request" button for the payment you wish to make
A modal will open showing all the information related to the payment you are about to make.
"Payment amount" refers to the due balance of the affiliate. You can make a payment request for a payment amount different than than the due balance.
Specified amount can not be less than the amount available for payment.
"Period": Refers to the specific time frame (payment period) for which an affiliate’s commission is calculated and paid out.
Add "Operator comments" (optional; for internal use, not visible to the affiliate)
Toggle "Send mail to affiliates" if you want an email to be sent to the affiliate informing them about the processed payment. The mail contect can be reviewed and adjusted in Marketing tab (bar) -> Assets
Click "Request" to pay.
Payment period is used only for referrence and doesn't affect the actual payment date in Reporting and statistics Example: On 15/10 you make a payment to an affiliate (you pay the commission for payment period 2024-09-01 - 2024-09-30) In Media Report, the payment will be reflected on 02/10 (payment date) and not on 30/09 (end date of the payment period)
In Request-Approve-Pay flow payments are completed after going through a 3-step approval process that includes:
Make a payment request
Approve the payment request
Confirm the payment - Only user from your operation with Admin (full) access has permission to approve payments.
After the final approval step is completed and payment is approved, the payment will be reflected in the affiliate's balance.
This is the first step in the 3-steps payment flow.
Click on "Make Request" button for the payment you want to request
A modal will open showing all the information related to this payment request
"Payment amount" refers to the due balance of the affiliate.
You can make a payment request for a payment amount different than than the due balance. Payment amount can't be higher than the affiliate's due balance.
Specified amount can not be less than the amount available for payment. Once set upon making a Payment request, amount can't be changed in the next approval stages for the same request.
"Period" refers to the specific time frame (payment period) for which an affiliate’s commission is calculated and will be paid out.
Add "Operator comments" (optional; for internal use, not visible to the affiliate)
Click "Request"
Requested paymets will be moved to "Pending Approval" stage.
You can allow your affiliates to submit payment requests directly from their accounts. Request Payment option for affiliates is possible only in Request-Approve-Pay flow. Affiliates can not make payment requests in Direct Payment flow.
To enable Request Payment option for affiliates :
Go to Affiliate Desk (bar) -> Settings (side menu)
Enable "Payment can be requested by affiliate"
Click "Save"
Affiliates will be able to make a payment request by clicking on "Request Payment" button in their Dashboard. A modal will open asking them to either approve or dismiss the action. Once payment request is submitted by the affiliate, no additional payment requests can be made until the initial request is either approved or cancelled. Affiliates can only request payment for their available balance and can not specify a custom amount. Payments can be requested by affiliates only if their available balance is positive and above payment threshold (if any).
Requested paymets will be logged in "Pending Approval" stage.
This is the second step in the 3-steps payment flow where you can Approve/Cancel payment requests. The payment request will appear in "Pending Approval" side menu. You can search payment requests by unique Payment @ID or add filters to limit the results by:
Manager -> filter payment requests for affiliates that are assigned to a specific manager
Amount from-to -> filter payment requests for amount within the selected range.
Payment method -> filter payment requests for a speciic payment method
To approve a payment request, click on "Approve" button on the payment request you want to approve. A window will open, asking you to either confirm or dismiss the action.
To cancel a payment request, click on "Cancel" button on the payment request you want to approve. A window will open, asking you to either confirm or dismiss the action.
Approved payments requests will be moved to "Pending Payment" stage
All approved payment requests will appear in "Pending Payment" side menu. You can use the search/filtering options to limit the results shown.
To confirm a pending payment:
Click on "Confirm" button on the pending payment you wish to confirm.
A modal will open, asking you to either confirm or dismiss the action. Toggle "Send mail to affiliates" if you want an email to be sent to the affiliate informing them about the processed payment. The mail contect can be reviewed and adjusted in Marketing tab (bar) -> Assets
Click on "Confirm"
To cancel a pending payment:
Click on "Cancel" button on the payment request you wish to cancel.
A window will open, asking you to either confirm or dismiss the action.
Payment request can be made again from Balance report.
Confirmed payments will be moved to "Completed payments"
Go to "Completed payments" side menu to get a report of all approved payments.
You can search payments by unique Payment @ID or add filters to limit the results. Expand the payment row in order to get more detailed information on the payment.
To export Completed Payments report, click on "Export" button
TAP gives you the option to make payments requests, as well as approve/cancel already opened payment requests, in bulk with a multi-select option.
This option is available only in Request-Approve-Pay flow.
Go to "Balance"
Select the payments you wish to request using multi-select (you can select multiple or all options)
Click "Make Request" button
A modal will open asking you to either approve or dismiss the action.
Click on "Request"
For more information on affiliates' payment details, you can refer to Payment Details For more information on how to set a payment treshold, you can refer to Payment threshold