This document describes the API for the Operator to manage deals for affiliates
The operator can use the HTTP POST method to build deals for specified affilite_id.
export enum AffDealType {
// Pure deals
CPL = 1,
CPA = 2,
RevShare_NetPL = 4,
RevShare_NetDeposit = 8,
// Hybrid deals
CPL_CPA = 3,
CPL_RevShare_NetPL = 5,
CPA_RevShare_NetPL = 6,
CPL_RevShare_NetDeposit = 9,
CPA_RevShare_NetDeposit = 10,
To create a new deal for an affiliate, you need to make an HTTP POST request to the API endpoint with the following JSON body.
"affiliate_id": 64257,
"deal_type_id": 2, // One of deal types
"deal_group_name": "Some name of the deal",
// parameters specific for CPA deal
"cpa_amount": 10.5, // required, CPA amount that will be paid for affiliate
"qua_cpa_net_deposit": 10, // optional, NetDeposit qualifier amount
"qua_cpa_deposit": 20, // optional, Deposit qualifier amount
"qua_cpa_ftd": 10, // optional, FTD qualifier amount
"qua_cpa_volume": 100, // optional, Volume (wagering) qualifier amount
"qua_cpa_activity_count": 5 // optional, activities (bets) count qualifier amount
// parameters specific for CPA deal
"cpl_amount": 10.5, // required, CPL amount that will be paid for affiliate
"qua_cpl_volume": 100, // optional, Volume (wagering) qualifier amount
// parameters specific for RevShare deals (both P&L and NetDeposit based)
"rev_share_percentage": 25, // required, % of rev share
For hybrid deals, you can use a combination of parameters. For example, for CPA + RevShare_NetPL deal, the required fields will be cpa_amount and rev_share_percentage.
Copy curl --location '' \
--header 'authorization: your-api-key' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"affiliate_id": 64257,
"deal_type_id": 6,
"deal_group_name": "CPA + REV & FTD Qualifier",
"cpa_amount": 10,
"qua_cpa_ftd": 30,
"rev_share_percentage": 25
Such a deal will correspond to the following configurations made from the platform BackOffice.
You can use the HTTP POST method to set a default deal for the affiliate.
Example of the call:
Copy curl --location '' \
--header 'authorization: your-api-key'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Active_label_id: 12345' \
--data '{
"method": "af2_MakeDealDefault",
"params": {
"deal_original_id": 39752,
"affiliate_id": "64257"
Copy { "errCode":0, "message":"Deal group 39752 is set to be default" }
curl --location '' \
--header 'authorization: your-api-key'
You need to pass affiliate_id; as a response, you will get a list of all deals, including the sub-deals. Example of the response
Copy [
"id": 93195,
"affiliate_id": 100508,
"deal_id": 93195,
"deal_original_id": 93195,
"deal_parent_original_id": null,
"deal_group_name": "Default deal",
"match_brand_ids": [
"match_af_product_ids": [
"match_countries": [
"match_source_ids": [],
"match_campaign_ids": [
"match_date_from": null,
"match_date_till": null,
"cpa_tiers_enabled": true,
"cpa_tiers_structure": [
"step": 1,
"amount": 2
"step": 3,
"amount": 4
"step": 5,
"amount": 6
"rev_share_tiers_enabled": 0,
"rev_share_tiers_structure": [],
"cpa_amount": 1,
"rev_share_percentage": null,
"cpl_amount": null,
"qua_cpa_net_deposit": null,
"qua_cpa_volume": null,
"qua_cpa_activity_count": null,
"qua_cpa_ftd": null,
"qua_cpa_deposit": null,
"qua_cpl_volume": null,
"qua_rev_on_cpa_amount": null,
"deal_type_id": 2,
"is_default": true,
"create_date": "2023-08-03T10:18:10.168Z",
"close_date": null,
"create_by": 2342,
"is_latest": true,
"cpl_users_count": "0",
"cpa_users_count": "0",
"rev_users_count": "0",
"level_id": 1,
"match_readable_brands": "Any brand",
"match_readable_countries": "Any country",
"match_readable_other": "",
"cpa_tier_step_1": 1,
"cpa_tier_amount_1": 2,
"cpa_tier_step_2": 3,
"cpa_tier_amount_2": 4,
"cpa_tier_step_3": 5,
"cpa_tier_amount_3": 6
"id": 94509,
"affiliate_id": 100508,
"deal_id": 94509,
"deal_original_id": 94509,
"deal_parent_original_id": 93195,
"deal_group_name": null,
"match_brand_ids": [
"match_af_product_ids": [
"match_countries": [
"match_source_ids": [],
"match_campaign_ids": [
"match_date_from": null,
"match_date_till": null,
"cpa_tiers_enabled": true,
"cpa_tiers_structure": [
"step": 1,
"amount": 2
"step": 3,
"amount": 4
"step": 5,
"amount": 6
"rev_share_tiers_enabled": 0,
"rev_share_tiers_structure": [],
"cpa_amount": 5,
"rev_share_percentage": null,
"rev_cap_amount": null,
"cpl_amount": null,
"qua_cpa_net_deposit": null,
"qua_cpa_volume": null,
"qua_cpa_activity_count": null,
"qua_cpa_ftd": null,
"qua_cpa_deposit": null,
"qua_cpl_volume": null,
"qua_rev_on_cpa_amount": null,
"deal_type_id": 2,
"is_default": false,
"create_date": "2023-08-06T08:29:50.555Z",
"close_date": null,
"create_by": 1,
"is_latest": true,
"cpl_users_count": "0",
"cpa_users_count": "0",
"rev_users_count": "0",
"level_id": 2,
"match_readable_brands": "Any brand",
"match_readable_countries": "AX",
"match_readable_other": "",
"cpa_tier_step_1": 1,
"cpa_tier_amount_1": 2,
"cpa_tier_step_2": 3,
"cpa_tier_amount_2": 4,
"cpa_tier_step_3": 5,
"cpa_tier_amount_3": 6
If you are interested only in the root level deals, you will need to take only deals with level_id: 1